The color of hair, the shade of eyes, and the pigment of skin have no relation to how smart a person can be.
Personally, I believe it is time to let affirmative action go and have people work hard for what they want in life. Without that boost of affirmative action, it would truly level the playing field. Taking the question of what ethnicity a person is off of applications would be a step towards a color blind society where the color of hair, shade of eyes, and the pigment of skin have no affect on a person and the goals they wish to accomplish.
I understand that if the government got rid of affirmative action totally, there is a chance that history may repeat itself and discrimination may find a way back into society and I wouldn’t be supportive of that. But getting rid of affirmative action would truly level the playing field and create a color blind society. Is that what everyone wants? Then we could focus on other issues internally and externally of this country.
I also think that affirmative action should be for those who are qualified and a minority and not for those who are not qualified enough. By making the rules stricter, then the minorities accepted to a college would be more prepared and meet the college standards. This would dissolve the problem of ill-equipped students and the percent of drop-outs.