      Danny G. Smith      
a voice for today ... a vision for the future

A Message to Lake County Power Members...

I am seeking your vote in the Lake Country Power District 8 Director election. The knowledge and experience I bring to the boardroom are essential to guiding our cooperative and guaranteeing its ability to meet your needs into the future. Utilizing my education in Accounting, Business Administration and Economics (UMD, 1977), I am constantly analyzing our cooperative’s financial data to keep our rates as low as possible.

Over 50% of Lake Country Power’s annual expenses are for purchases from our power supplier, Great River Energy, of Elk River, Minnesota. My years on the Great River Energy board provided me with a broad understanding of how electricity is generated, distributed, and used by members.

Danny with Congressman Oberstar
With Congressman Oberstar lobbying for electric co-ops.

Directors of rural electric cooperatives must work closely with local, state, and federal governments. I am respected throughout the state as a Lake Country Power director, and have worked hard to influence legislation that regulates the industry and shapes its future.

As your director, I have served with the philosophy of providing high quality, uninterrupted power at the lowest possible rates while maintaining the financial integrity of our cooperative. In the past three years of representing our district, LCP has made the following strides in serving its members:

• 7% of our energy is now sourced from wind.

• The cooperative paid capital credits to members every year.

• Members' rates were kept as low as possible, despite increases in the price LCP pays for electricity.

If elected to another term, I will continue to work diligently while representing the best interests of the members and the organization. My goals for Lake Country Power include the following:

• Keep members' rates as low as possible.

• Conservation of electricity needs to be encouraged by offering new technologies and special rate programs, which also help members reduce their electric bills.

• LCP needs to continue looking for renewable, low cost energy alternatives that can reduce pollutants, conserve natural resources and delay construction of new coal-fired generation. Specifically, I believe the cooperative can achieve 15% of energy from wind within the next three years.

I believe I am your best choice in this election and respectfully request your vote. For those who have supported me in past elections, I wish to extend my sincere appreciation for the opportunity to serve you. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you have.



→ Lake Country Power

→ Great River Energy

→ National Rural Electric Cooperative Association

© Danny G. Smith • Design by SJF