Christmas Eve Kennedy Gathering

Christmas eve at Kathy’s palatial manor was again an outstanding event! The star studed family gathering began with Dan & Michele stuck in traffic leaving no time for the decoration mixer. BUT, Kathy in her infinite wisdom left the lights up from last year and the party was soon in full swing!

Chris, Pete, Tim and Pat enjoy the fire

Chow hounds putting on the feed bag...

Kathy prepares sandwiches....

Grazing on Shrimp & Chipped beef...

The Bills dominate discussion...

Sisters share a sandwich...

After chipped beef dip & rye, shrimp and sandwiches, everyone got down to the important task of unwrapping Santa’s bounty...

Michele hands out koozies...

Chris shows off his stadium...

Kathy tries out her vibrators...

Kathy & Beenie enjoy a moment

Santa waters his reindeer..

Rita & Michele share X-Mas excitement

The food gone, the Kennedy clan gets down to some serious egg noggin and other cordials (mostly Labbats blue)...

The Timmon’s X-Mas pose

Sexy legs enjoys some cheer

Tim and Bill have a wrestling moment

Pat & Dan share a hug

Pat strikes a gamorous pose...

Matriarch with her clan...

After rolling Santa for gifts, it’s time for the Gordon afterbash upstairs...

Afterbash hosts Gordon & Brian

Chris & Tim’s first afterbash experience

Pete & Tim thank St. Nick

Michele & Kathy enjoy cozmo’s...

A close knit holiday family

Gordon prepares a martini...

Dan flirts with Mary

Good cheer!

... and become full of good cheer!

The smoking area searches for Santa

4 AM comes around pretty fast on Christams Eve...

Back at Kathy’s and almost time for bed...

Can’t wait till next year!

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