After four proud years of Yankee victories on the Canadian pack ice, the Canuks were desperate to redeem their shattered honor.

And redeem it they did by stacking the deck... seven Canuks facing off against 3 lone Yanks. Realizing we were prisoners in an alien nation, we decided to feed the sullen ego’s of our northern neighbors.

Yankee team puts best side forward

Canuks Donny & Al beem confidence

A wild hot tub bash at Donny’s started off the ice fishing festivities with both sides sizing up the competition over plenty of Canadian suds.

Canuk/Yank cooperation evident as fish finding technology is developed

Setting up on the pack ice

Pete gets comfortable

This 4 lb Gator is a Canuk winner

The sun sets over the pack ice

Donny & Al discuss Canuk strategy

Canuk base camp alpha where ice fishing dreams are made

The group spreads out

Canuk Al pulls one out of the hole

Group shot of the participants

Maybe the Yanks can win at cards

Donny, Pete review the flank...

The first day found the Canadians leading in both the Mo’ Gator and bass/trout categories. Yes, the addition of a trout category was yet another devious Canuk rule change designed to wrestle the championship from honest Yankee hands.

Driving over the pack ice to a new location on the second day

Yanks put up a valiant effort to no avail

Canuks add to their winning tally

Chowder table provides hot relief on a chilly day.

Donny cooked up a fantastic fish chowder for lunch stocked with yesterdays catch. But again, the second day proved to be an agonizing and fruitless Yankee search for prize fish.

Having won the tournament after such a long drought, the Canadians, with Yankee assistance rocked the Manor with a final bash. Texas style “hold ‘em” poker and participants drink induced folly guaranteed another “Apres Ice Fishing” performance par excellence.

Next year is an Olympic year, with the gold metal winning Yankees not to be duped again by clever Canadian tactics!

[Potter/Kennedy] [Ice Fish Tourney] [Horseshoe Island] [Angola] [Skiing] [Mike Golf Classic] [Football Party] [Christmas Eve Bash] [Family Visit News] [Sue Visits Dan]