Rod & Connie

Stover's place

rodandconnie at greenachers
dot net

Note: all links open in a NEW Window; just close them to return here.....
Current stuff:  
The REAL ice storm scenes from 30 Dec '06 - 3 Jan '07
Other links: Mike's Extreme Instability & Dawson Public Power

The Dec., '06 ice storm

TRIVIAL scenes....NOTHING compared to above
A 2005 Stover Picnic and reunion of September 3, 2005

Original stuff:
  The StoverPipeline Stover genealogy, biographies of ancestor homesteaders, histories and stories and some just-for-fun stuff.
The Cedar Community Stories and biographies of homesteaders near Majors in Cedar township, Buffalo County, Nebraska.
Poole, Nebraska A ghost town of the past in Buffalo County.

  Wedding & Honeymoon, May, 2001
Home at 1305 Sweetwater Ave., moving in, remodeling, etc., 2002

Expired: Therapy Dogs (including Forman, of course)

Expired: Darin & Stacey Schmidt's Wedding, October 9, 2004

Est. 20 Sep., 2004, updated January, 2007