As time passes from one year to the next we run the risk of losing sight of the blessings that have been bestowed upon us as we are always focusing on that next task, the next goal or that final accomplishment which lies just out of arms reach. In the busy-work of our lives we readily toss to the winds the achievements which we have surpassed and leap into the immediate future to gain more. It is always wise to monitor our forward motion so that we can be assured that our motion truly is forward. I would like to take this opportunity to ask you to stop with me for a moment and look at what we have and be assured that we are going in the right direction. In visiting with one of our faith formation coordinators recently, I was made aware that by her observation the faith formation students are coming to class prepared and are asking pertinent questions while in class; that class time is much more organized and that there are fewer over all disruptions than in some of the years past. This is no doubt due in part by the excellent volunteers who have so generously given of their time to teach. Teaching can be a very humbling experience. Often the instructor finds himself learning right along with the students. This is true no matter what level one teaches. I owe those volunteers a lot. The parents also are to be given credit for the noble character of their children. Most of the credit, however, must be given to our children who time and again choose to take the high road. I am proud of them all. They are a great source of hope for me. That is not all; that four of our students went to Diocesan Catholic Youth Conference in Rochester on the 14th of November is cause for joy. Also, four students from our parishes just completed a Teens Encountering Christ retreat in Pipestone last week. This retreat went from Friday, through the weekend and into the following Monday. And let’s not forget the group that went to Steubenville North Catholic Youth Conference in Rochester last June. These experiences are important because they give young people an opportunity to be with others their age in a place where they can help one another discover the faith. We benefit from this too, as they bring their experience home with them and enliven our communities with the newly enkindled light of Christ which burns in their hearts. For us adults, as well, there are signs of renewal and continued desire for growth and development in our faith lives. I am told that more than twenty individuals have expressed interest in the bible study and scripture reflection experiences which are offered by our parishes. We have also seen members of our parishes step forward for the first time and volunteer to be part of our music programs in our parishes. This takes a lot of courage, and I want them to know that I like what I see in them and am happy that they are sharing their talent with us. I am moved and inspired by their willingness to make our liturgies a place where we can all experience the awe-inspiring love of God. Lastly, I want you to know that your priest has been growing in his realm as well. I am not the same priest as when I arrived; somewhat overwhelmed over two years ago. There have been painful times, as growth tends to be, and I know that the next few years will be better. I need to continue to do things that are necessary to keep growing in the faith as well. Therefore, I am making a retreat this weekend, and I will be praying over ways in which I can be a better priest for you; a gentle shepherd. I will have a retreat director to guide me in this time of spiritual assessing. I ask that you pray for me during these next few days.
In Christ, Fr. Timothy J. Hall |