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Church of St. Pius V  

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Archdiocese of St. Paul/Mpls

Fall Festival Slideshow

St. Pius V Church
410 W Colvill
PO Box 367
Cannon Falls, MN 55009

Parish Office



Parish Office Hours
9:00 AM-4:00 PM

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St. Pius V Cookbook

St. Pius V Cookbooks are available
at the Gift shop in the sacristy. They make great gifts! Stop by and pick one up. The cost is $15.



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News & Events
Father Terry Beeson
Meet and greet Father Terry Beeson after Masses the weekend of August 2nd and 3rd. Refreshments will be served.
Summer Devotional Opportunity!
Come and find out more about "True Devotion to Mary" by Louis De Montfort! If you were part of the Lenten Retreat "33 Days to Morning Glory" and were looking for more, or if you missed the Lenten retreat and want to be part of the summer devotional, then please join us for our organizational meeting on Tuesday, July 8th at 6:30pm in the lower level.

There will be no workbook for this series and no questions or assignments to do ahead of time. We will simply do the daily readings and prayers and gather as a group to share what touched our heart this week. Friday, August 15th, the Feast of the Assumption will be Consecration Day. We will gather as a group to pray the Consecration prayer together.

If you are unable to attend the July 8th meeting but still want to participate, or if you want to do it on your own without being in a group, contact Paula Gergen for a book. The free will offering for the cost of the book is $8.

Meetings will be for six weeks on Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm, Tuesday mornings (and possibly Friday mornings) following the 8:00am Mass. The meetings will last for one hour. More meeting times may be added depending on the needs of the group. To sign up call Paula at 507-263-3019.
leaf St. Pius V Fall Festival
Sunday, September 21, 2014
The Fall Festival planning has begun and we are in need of people to share their time, talents and treasures. Sheryl Bauer has stepped up to coordinate the event again. Please consider helping in the one or more of the following ways:

  • Lead or chair and area - Sheryl has the tasks written down to make it easy
  • Donate items to the silent and live auctions. Donations can be dropped off at the parish office anytime during office hours (Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:00pm)
  • Volunteer to be a helper for an area - sign up sheets will be available in August
  • Donate items for the raffle. The CCW is doing the raffle again this year. If you have items for the raffle, please call Barbara Stodden at 507-263-3514 or email to earl.barbara@frontiernet.net or call the parish office at 507-263-2578 or email to stpiusvcf@frontiernet.net.

These are the most immediate needs. Please contact Sheryl Bauer at 507-263-5304 to volunteer to lead or chair an area or if you have questions. Thanks advance for your generosity and commitment to help with this major fundraiser for the parish.
Summer Projects for Youth
We Need Your Help!
Our youth in grades 6-12 still have two summer projects they will be collecting items for until September 1, 2014.

They are collecting nonparishable food items for the Cannon Falls Food shelf and also items for the birthday box drive.  This includes cake mixes, canned frosting, packages of balloons, birthday candles and small toys. These will be given for children whose parents are in need.

They are hoping to reach 100 lbs of food by Sept. 1, 2014. Stop by the front entrance of the church to see the latest amount. Please help them reach their goal!

Collection baskets are at church entrances.  Any donated item can be placed in any of the baskets and the youth will sort them out.

The clothing drive has ended for the summer. Thanks to all who gave so generously!
goal for foodshelf
Removing Old Pews &
Installing Replacment Pews
Thanks to everyone who helped with removal and installation of pews. Thanks, too to those who provided lunches for the workers.
Removal of old pews
Loading them onto trucks
Empty interior
Replacment Pews
Gift Shop
Check out the St. Pius V Gift Shop for all of your upcoming events. If there is something you need to order, please do so at least two weeks in advance of when you will need it.  Click here for gift shop information.
Events Around the Archdiocese

Natural Family Planning Awareness Week will be celebrated the week of July 20-26, 2014. Join Bishop Andrew Cozzens for Mass & Reflection on Natural Family Planning. Click here for the time and details.

2014 Rediscover: Catholic Celebration: Friday, October 3rd-4th at the Minneapolis Convention Center. Check out the events and speakers and register today!



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