to our Catholic Community
Church of St. Pius V  

Faith Formation

arrow Preschool-Grade 1

arrow Grade 2

arrow Grades 3-5

arrow Grades 6-8

arrow Grades 9-10

arrow Grades 11-12

arrow Children's Liturgy

Faith Formation Registration
Form 2013-14 (8 1/2 x 14 pdf)

Faith Formation Volunteer
Form 2013-14 (pdf)

Grades 6-10 Faith
Formation Calendar 2013-14 (pdf)

Sunday Liturgy Notes Form (pdf)

Service Project Report Form (pdf)

Grade 6-10 Discipline Policy

Altar Server Schedule

Faith Formation Staff

Father Terry Beeson

Cindy Meyers
Associate For Youth Ministry
Grades 6-12

Debbie Bauer
Faith Formation Coordinator

Preschool-Grade 10


Linda Rogers
Administrative Assistant/


Grade 9
Bernie Emery
volunteer needed

Grade 10
Bob Wernimont
Bonnie Forsell



Catholic Online Saints

Saint by Name

NET Ministries

Catholic Youth Camp

Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Life Teen

Totus Tuus


Grades 9-10
Class Time: 6:40-8:30pm on First Wednesdays/7:15-8:30pm the rest of the month unless otherwise noted

Grade 9-10 Curriculum: Twenty Third Publications "Growing Faith" consists of six modules taught over two years for Confirmation Preparation. Click here for more information.

Weather Policy: If public school cancels due to weather, Faith Formation classes are automatically canceled. If two snow days occur, class will be made up as an extra class in May.

The Youth Leadership Team is a group of high school students in Confirmation preparation or are already confirmed.  The team works closely with the pastor and Associate for Youth Ministry and takes on a large project assigned by the pastor.  Recruitment for this team will occur annually in March with interviews in April.  If you would be interested in volunteering for this team, contact Cindy Meyers.

July Calendar for Grades 9-10
July 30 (Mon) Valleyfair trip for youth entering grades 6-12 in the fall/bus leaves at 9:00am and returns at 7:00pm
Mini Golf
Grade 6-12 youth and their families are invited to play minii golf on Sunday, June 29th from 5:30-7:30pm. The address is 28906 Hamilton Court, Randolph, MN. Bars, s'mores and beverages will be available. The event will be canceled if it rains. For more information contact Cindy Meyers.
First Wednesday
First Wednesday will continue through the summer months.  The next First Wednesday is August 6th.
PULSE Meeting
The next PULSE meeting is on Monday, August 4th in the youth room.
Attention Parents
Please be sure and check your email for news from both Faith Formation and Youth Ministry.  Most of the notices of events or changes to already scheduled events are sent out through email. If you haven't given us your email address or have changed it, please send your current one to Debbie, Cindy or Linda.  Information is always posted on our website and in the Faith Formation bulletin insert.
Valleyfair 2014
Youth entering grades 6-12 in the fall and their friends are invited to spend a day at Valleyfair on Wednesday, July 30th. The bus will leave St. Pius V at 9:00am and will return at 7:00pm. The cost is $31.75 per person which includes bus fare and Valleyfair ticket (rides and Soak City Waterpark). Form packets are available at church entrances or click here to download the packet. Forms and fee should be dropped off at the parish office no later than Wednesday, July 23, 2014. If you have questions, please contact Debbie Bauer at 507-263-4680 or email.
NET RETREAT Requirements &
Information for Grades 9 & 10
Humorous Skits
Rec Time

Great Talks
Moving Dramas
Small Groups

Uplifting Prayer
NET Retreat Dates9th and 10 graders are required to attend one NET Retreat weekend at the NET Center in W. St. Paul sometime during their 9th or 10th grade year.

Register online and pay the full fee of $145. After attending the retreat, the church will reimburse you $120; your cost for the retreat is $25. We are limited as to how many students we can send each weekend so it will be first come first serve.

Click here for more information
and to register.

If you have any questions or need help
with the cost of the retreat call Debbie Bauer at 507-263-4680 or e-mail.

Retreats are held at:
NET Ministries
110 Crusader Ave West
West St. Paul, MN 55118

Confirmation will be at
2:00pm on Sunday, May 18th
at the Cathedral of St. Paul.
NET Confirmation Retreats are exciting, faith-filled weekends that begin at 7:00 PM Friday evening and end at 2:00 PM on Sunday afternoon. The cost of $145 includes five meals and dormitory style lodging.  Attendance is required for the entire retreat. 

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